Journal: Int. J Adv. Std. & Growth Eval.

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Impact factor (SJIF): 6.876   E-ISSN: 2583-6528


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Peer Reviewed Journal


VOL.: 2 ISSUE.: 1(January 2023)

Study the Effect of the Ayurvedic Preventive Measures on Covid-19 among the First Contacts

Author(s): Edirisinghe BL and Kulathunga WMSSK


The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) carries a high risk for the society and especially healthcare providers due to it can be transmitted when the disease progresses asymptomatically in patients. The virus is transmitted through droplets and close contacts. It is believed that the infectivity starts before the symptoms and it significantly decreases in 7 days after the onset of symptoms. The object of this is study the effect of the Ayurvedic preventive measures on Covid-19 first contact. Descriptive simple random sample was selected to the study and it included that the Covid-19 first contact name list which was collected sent by the Maharagama Gramasewa Division. By using the questionnaire, it has filled through the telephone conversation by the principal investigator. Data has collected before and after two weeks of the drug distribution. Data analysis was carried out using the SPSS (version16) software. Rating scale was used according to the validated scale (11). Frequencies mean, standard deviation was calculated. Relationship between different variables has done by using chi-square. 100% of the respondents were Buddhist a the most of them were Male presenting 60% of the sample and the female were 20%. Mean age is37.66 and the standard deviation is 37.66 + 18.43. Among the most of the were age range between 41 to 50years old which is 40% of the sample. Findings of the study also indicate that more than two third of the respondents were used all the above mentioned Ayurvedic preventive measures for the prevention of the Covid infection. Among them more than half of the respondents have used Herbal steaming, Ayurveda drug used, Herbal gargling Herbal Dumayanaya presenting 82%, 76%, 68% and 64% respectively. Findings of the study shows that the most of the respondents were used Adathoda, Lime and Yakinaran leaves for steaming in the prevention of the covid-19 infection. And also here we have identified that the Corriandrum boiled water has used for steaming. There is a significant relationship of the first contacts after two weeks of health status of them by doing herbal steaming following the X2(1, N=50) = 0.006, P=0.005. It shows that there was a relationship between health status of the first contacts after following the herbal steaming during their quarantine period presenting the P value is less than 0.05.

Keywords: Ayurvedic Preventive Measures, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Drugs

Pages: 01-05      |       222 View       |       54 Download


How to Cite this Article:

Edirisinghe BL and Kulathunga WMSSK. Study the Effect of the Ayurvedic Preventive Measures on Covid-19 among the First Contacts. Int. J Adv. Std. & Growth Eval. 2023;2(1):01-05


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